Enjoying The Arts and Culture at Milton House


May and June were good months for arts and culture at Milton House with ROC worker Charlotte and support worker Colin collaborating on two cultural activities which some residents took part in enthusiastically.



Firstly, we took a trip to Dub London: Bassline of a City at Museum of London. One resident particularly could remember his father who worked at a record company playing a lot of the records on display and there was a live DJ taking requests and huge speaker stack from Notting Hill Carnival.

We also took a look at the historical displays and saw sights such as the skull of a giant bull type animal that was found roaming in Essex. (pictured)


Then our lounge was temporarily transformed into an artist's studio as one of the resident creatives Gary and day concierge Maria enjoyed life drawing tuition- check out Gary's amazing finished portrait drawing - Colin and staff could not believe the likeness!

Gary said he was “really grateful for the teaching” and has expressed he would now really like to study art more both with Charlotte in-house, a practicing artist outside her role at SHP, and at a local college.

Blog by Charlotte Hailey-Watts | Team ROC

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