Summer 2021 Update From Our ScottishPower Funded - Creative Industries Project


Our Creative Industries Project (CIP) aims to enhance the connection between our SHP ArtHouse Project and Achieving Potential - Employability Service. The two services working together for this Project will benefit clients through the provision of training courses, employability support and work placements, to support people moving further along the road of education and employment within the creative industries in London.

CIP, funded by a grant awarded by the ScottishPower Foundation - launched in July and our first round of courses began last month, August 2021. There are three courses in full swing; our first Jewellery course with Pivot, and two film courses: West End Stories and Camden Film Crew with creative partner Untold Films. Another two courses commence this week, our Lewisham Jewellery Academy with Pivot and the Creekside Carpenters - led by Woodwork For Wellbeing.

We have a lovely update from our Creative Industries Project Co-ordinator, Ruth Milner. Here is what Ruth shared with us:

SHP Jewellery Academy

The Jewellery course at Bondway (adult course) went out on a walk last week and took photos of the local area (Vauxhall) in order to inspire their Jewellery designs. They focused on details and patterns when they were taking their photos and then traced the photos to look for elements that could be used in the Jewellery designs.

Here are some snaps from our first month:

West End Stories & Camden Film Crew

Film-making is being led by social enterprise Untold. The course is eight weeks and is held across four SHP Services over the year starting in August 2021 - March 2022. A group of eight participants will be working with professional film makers and learning everything from script writing and storyboarding to filming with digital cameras, sound recording and lighting. At the end of the course participants celebrate their achievements at an exciting cinema screening event showcasing their films.

Here are some screen shots of the films in production by the Camden Film Crew.

Lewisham Jewellery Academy

This course is for SHP YP’s and is also led by social enterprise Pivot . The course is eight weeks and will be held on Thursdays 5pm-7pm at Perry Vale from September 2nd - October 14th. A group of seven participants will learn how to design, make and sell pieces of jewellery. Participants will also enjoy marketing sessions, designed to give an overview of advertising. At the end of the course participants will work with the facilitators to run a pop-up market stall and online shop where they will get the chance to sell the jewellery they’ve made, participants will as a group keep 75% of the profits of what they sell. 

Creekside Carpenters

The Carpentry course is for SHP young people and led by Woodwork for Wellbeing . The nine week course hosted at Creekside, will be held Wednesdays 5pm-7pm ~ August 25th - October 20th. A group of 10 participants will learn to make items including a stool, flying/moving bird and an item of their choice/design. This course will include an end of course event to be announced soon; it may be an exhibition, celebration of their work or opportunity to sell their work at a market. 

There are a couple of spots left for SHP young people to join - so please get in touch!

For more information on our current and upcoming courses please send over an email to or head over to our ArtHouse ~ Creative Industries Project page HERE

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